
This time I'm going to do it differently. Every week I'm going to write. Write something and maybe I'll just send it to Sarah. But I always start with building something first and then go back to writing.

It's the fatal flaw where I end building for the sake of building instead of building for the sake of writing. So every week, maybe every Thursday, I'm going to write. I don't know about what but let's for now call it a newsletter for myself. Just like how I used to send out my newsletter every Thursday.

I've tried and stopped doing many things. Time tracking, waking up early (still try to do), newsletter, writing blogs, writing developer content — while it sucks that I stopped doing a lot of them, it's important that I tried.

But it's important to figure out if I stopped because it wasn't beneficial or if it was hard. Thinking back, writing might fall into the category of beneficial but hard. Sometimes I actually feel a lack of clarity in my thinking and I think that one of the reasons why I lack clarity in thinking is because I haven't taken the time to write them down.

So that's why I'm bringing back my writing. And instead of thinking about this as a product — a newsletter, a new website, or twitter threads — I'm just going to write for the sake of writing.